1700,- Euro for
a good cause
From the region, for the region. For us, this is a matter close to our hearts and we at REINHOLD KELLER would like to support social institutions, associations and projects right on our doorstep with our donations from the employee campaign “Essen für den guten Zweck”. In 2023, our #TEAMRK once again used the first Tuesday of the month to eat for a good cause. As our construction says so beautifully: #ohnemampfkeinkampf. And yes, we all love to eat!
Our donation pot was once again filled to the brim and the money collected was handed over to various organizations in our region by our trainees.
We started with a donation of € 250.00 to the foundation Stiftung Hilfe in Not. The foundation has been supporting people in the district of Miltenberg in difficult situations for over 30 years. The volunteer community, under the leadership of Dr. Eberhard Kroth and twelve foundation board members, actively supports those who are in need through no fault of their own.
With clear funding rules, need is assessed locally in order to provide support in various life situations, from care for the elderly to financial assistance in emergency situations.
Around €70,000 in donations are collected each year, including contributions from parties, companies and testamentary dispositions. In addition, well-preserved clothing and household goods can be donated to the “Menschen helfen Menschen e. V.” association to support the foundation Stiftung Hilfe in Not.
The “Hilfe in Not” support association with almost 350 members also forms a solid basis, which is strengthened by annual contributions and donations. Together, they make a decisive difference in the lives of those who need help the most.

As if we had already guessed that these cute creatures would get a big stage when we distributed the donations: Hedgehog – Animal of the Year 2024! The reason for this is sad, however, because hedgehogs are extremely endangered.
The Stachelnasen Obernburg have made it their mission to help hedgehogs. The association makes a major contribution to the survival of this important animal species in our region. Our #TEAMRK has rewarded this voluntary work with a donation of €250.00.
Stachelnasen Obernburg, run by Sandrina Pfaff and her team of eight, is a rescue center for hedgehogs that need help for various reasons: Lack of food, fungal infestation, traffic accidents, robotic mower accidents, mother loss and poisoning. Sandrina started three years ago out of compassion for an orphaned hedgehog and has since gathered a dedicated group around her. Peak in 2023: 51 hedgehogs, not all of which could unfortunately be rescued. Sandrina, who sacrifices her hobbies for her care work, spends 4-6 hours a day at the station, lovingly looking after hedgehogs like Keks and Pinki.

Our trainees Jonas, Jasmin and Johanna presented another donation of €250.00 to Lebenshilfe Miltenberg in December.
During our visit, Ms Margit Kratschmann-Brachs, the director of Lebenshilfe Miltenberg, not only informed us about the organization’s current services, but also gave us an insight into the new facilities that are currently under construction. These future facilities represent a significant expansion of Lebenshilfe’s support options.
Lebenshilfe Miltenberg offers early intervention as comprehensive support for families with disabled children. This offer includes educational, psychological and medical-therapeutic services and is financed by the relevant funding bodies so that no additional costs are incurred by families. It also includes curative education and motor therapy support, special group services and parent counseling. Cooperation between different professions is an integral part of early intervention.

We were also able to support the Ambulanter Kinder- und Hospizdienst Miltenberg with € 250.00. The volunteers support children, adolescents and young adults with life-shortening or life-threatening illnesses. The aim is to offer individual support that meets the everyday needs of the families concerned. The AKHD is managed by two full-time coordination specialists, Jenniffer Hartmann and Tanja Munzinger, who act as a link between families, volunteers and network partners.
The volunteers give time, provide support in everyday life and offer emotional support that often goes beyond the death of the child. They are also involved in public relations work and support events in the field of children’s hospice work.
The work of the AKHD Miltenberg is supported by Dr. Stephanie Erbprinzessin Zu Löwenstein, who has taken on the patronage and provides lovingly furnished premises in Kleinheubach. Various events such as the remembrance café and exchange meetings take place in these rooms.

A further donation of € 250.00 from our trainees went to the Tiergehege Elsavapark. They were warmly welcomed by Berthold Oberle, 2nd Mayor of Elsenfeld and Public Relations Officer of the animal enclosure, as well as Sandra Daniel and Carmen Brenner. After the handover, there were fresh waffles and a “cuddle course” with the residents.
The animal enclosure provides a refuge for various animals that have been given up or abandoned for various reasons. Around 130 animals, including goats, pigs, rabbits, guinea pigs, ducks, chickens, quails and various bird species, spend their twilight years here in a loving environment. The main aim of the animal enclosure is to teach visitors how to treat animals with respect and the importance of species-appropriate animal husbandry.
Despite all their efforts, the dedicated team urgently needs further support. A visit to Elsavapark is particularly worthwhile for children, who have the rare opportunity to experience animals up close. The spacious grounds also offer space for rest, relaxation, play and exercise.

Last but not least, we donated € 450.00 to the Aktion Deutschland hilft alliance. On February 6, 2023, severe earthquakes shook south-eastern Turkey and northern Syria. The number of victims was immense, children and families had to flee their homes and rescue and recovery operations were hampered by snow and ice.
Some of the money we raised through our internal fundraising campaign “Essen für den guten Zweck” went to the Aktion Deutschland hilft alliance to support those affected.